Add a period after the institution's name.įor more information about master's theses, dissertations, or capstone projects, Section 10.6 on pages 333-334 in the APA Manual, 7th edition.Īuthor: Skallet, S. Complete the reference with the source information, which is the full name of the college or university awarding the degree. If the title has a question mark or exclamation mark, replace the period after the brackets with the proper punctuation mark used in the title.

When choosing wording to describe the project, use the language the degree-granting institution uses to describe the project (e.g., Master's thesis, Doctoral dissertation, Final Applied Project, Capstone Project, Clinical Project, etc.). Before the type of project add "Unpublished". Instead, add brackets with the type of project (Master's project, doctoral dissertation, etc.) you are referencing. Do not add a period immediately after the title. Capitalize only the first word of the title and subtitle and all proper nouns. The title and subtitle are separated by a colon. Next, add the title and subtitle of the master's thesis, dissertation, final applied project, or capstone. Title & Subtitle of the Book: What variables appear to work in stress management programs in the workplace and how effective are these programs ?

Next, in parentheses, list the year of publication, which appears on the title page or the title verso page (back side of title page). Add a period after each initial, and if there is a middle initial, add a space between the initials. Then, add the initials for the first and middle names (if the middle name or middle initial is provided).

Begin the reference with the author's last name first.